没有她的落脚处~ 她是一个人~ 毫无畏惧的~ 自己寻找所谓的答案~


Just the way you are



I was recently contacted by someone who wanted my input on a situation in their relationship. I often get topic suggestions but some I feel more comfortable writing about than others.
One thing she said to me was:
I think at some point I want what every other girl wants. A boyfriend that makes her feel like she matters.
This is what caused me to step back for a second. I thought to myself…Wait, what other kind of boyfriend is there?
In my opinion, partners in a relationship should always make each other feel special, and wanted. Even if it’s no more than a simple text – every single day.
Some people will tell you that the ‘magic’ fades away over time. Why? Why does it have to? For the last year I have made sure to tell my girlfriend she’s beautiful in one way or another, literally every day.
I don’t say that to make myself sound like a great boyfriend, I simply say it to give an example that it is possible and can be done, if someone is willing.
It takes less than 30 seconds to send a text that will make her smile.
It takes no money to kiss her in the middle of her sentence.
Do you still reach for her hand or put your arm around her while you’re walking? If not, why not?
Think about how you acted in the beginning of your relationship. Do you still do the same small things you were doing then? If not, why not?
I want to make it clear – both men and women have to be aware of these actions. If someone is not meeting your standards for how you want to be treated in a relationship, you need to speak up and make your feelings known. Why would you stay with someone who isn’t what you want?
You may not even realize it, but being neutral and generally apathetic in a relationship can be hurtful. It may not be on purpose, but not feeling wanted can often be the same as feeling unwanted.
Hold higher standards for yourself. If someone is great in the first month or two of your relationship, but slowly stops doing what you loved about them - they haven’t changed, they’ve just revealed themselves to you.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
And guys, if you don’t put in the effort to make your woman feel special every day, you lose your right to complain when someone else does.
Life is too short to waste your time with people who don’t appreciate you.

